Sunday, November 9, 2014

Infographic Information

As explained in Module 3, "An infographic takes a large amount of information in text or numerical form and then condenses it into a combination of images and text, allowing viewers to quickly grasp the essential insights the data contains." 

There are many uses for infographics in the classroom.  They can be used to help aid a lesson. Because they give a lot of information in a small space, it would be easy for the student to be able to follow along and have all the information in one infographic. They can also be used as a class newsletter or ways to present a lot of information to parents or students. 

For my assignment, I decided to make and infographic for parents of students entering into kindergarten. It is a "Transition to Kindergarten." I used the Piktochart website as my tool to create the infographic. I found a website full of information on how to help a parent of a kindergarten student transition as easily as possible. I condensed this information into one page that is easy to read and follow. 
Click here to view the infographic I created in Piktochart.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy your piktochart. I can definitely see this hanging as a poster somewhere. It's to the point and clear but has a good flow of information. I think students would enjoy creating infographics and displaying them at school. Living in an age of technology, we should be integrating some skills that many of these students will be using later on.
